Thursday, November 15, 2007


Well, I'm back from my one year sabbatical from blogging. I've gotten a TON of emails asking what I've been up to, so I'm gonna make this quick. Blogging was really going to my head and I decided to take a break. I hooked up with my old buddy's, "The Google Guys" and have been helping them out with a few projects. I missed blogging, so here I am. EOS!

You probably haven't heard, but there's this new phenomenon sweeping the internet, it's called "Lolcats."

Wikipedia defines Lolcats as "images combining photographs of a cat with a humorous and idiosyncratic caption, said to have its origins in the 4chan imageboards as the Caturday phenomenon.[1] The name "lolcat" is a portmanteau of "lol" and "cat".[2][3] The phenomenon is also referred to as cat macros."

Pretty lame, I know. I knew that I could do better so I'm creating my own website devoted to "LolBreadman." Here's the fun part for my readers. Get a copy of the original from here and send it back to me so I can add it to my site. Hopefully I will be able to post them all. C'ya

Also, I currently looking for beta testers for my new blog. Email me if you're interested.

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