Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wii are the World, Wii are the Bloggerz

Listen Bloggerz. Bad News. Comic finished. Let's say the creaters of some comic called "------" said I infringed on their copyrights. I call BS! I know alot of cats who eat lasagna, hell, my roomates dogs eats sashimi and spicey tuna rolls, but you don't see Heathcliff's writer's pressing charges. That's the difference between "------" and Heathcliff; Lucifer and Jesus, Judiasm and Christiananity. This brings me to the point of my blog:

My roomate recently presented me with the idea of purchasing a Wii. Tough decision for Mii, but probably not for many of you.... That's because 52%* of you are Sony PlayStation fans, 38%* are Microsoft Xbox fans, and 74% are most likley clueless nitwits and can't figure out that computers can, and have run better games since 1991**. If we're not too hammered, I think we'll go out and try to get a Wii and tell you if it's any good. Blog Out!

Future Discussions: Is PokerStars Rigged?, Stamos on ER, Is it correct?, Ethics of Forfeiting an On-line Poker Game.

*For the finicky; 94% of the Xbox and PS3 player's are sub-morons.

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